


职称:校聘教授   姓名 高大明

Email : gaodamingtmm@163.com


  • 学士学位  江南大学

  • 博士学位  京都大学(日本)


  • 2006.07-2009.08 广州百花香料股份有限公司

  • 2016.04-2017.09 京都大学 研究员

  • 2017.10-2019.05 江南大学 副教授

  • 2019.05-2021.09 神户大学 研究员

  • 2022.10-现在    神户大学 研究员(兼聘)


  • 江苏省“双创博士”


  • SCI期刊Catalysts 客座编辑

  • 第六届国际化学工程会议 组委会委员

  •  ACS CatalysisACS Sustainable Chemistry and EngineeringNew Journal of Chemistry等国际期刊审稿人



  1. 江苏省双创博士人才项目2018~2020年,15RMB主持

  2. 公益财团法人饭岛藤十郎食品科学与技术振兴会研究助成金日本财团资助2014~2015年,98主持(唯一一位获得资助的外国人研究者)

  3. 亚临界流体中糖异构化的反应机理,JSPS KAKENHI (No. 26870296; T. K. As one of collaborators)共同主持

  4. 阶层性多孔ODS色谱柱的开发,日本政府-京都大学-SnG公司三方合作项目,主持

  5. 食品热加工过程中典型危害物控制关键技术研究,广东省重点研发计划,2019年,子课题负责人

  6. 大豆纤维的改造横向项目2018~2019年,15RMB主持

  7. 食品安全检测及其标准方法的研究横向项目2018~201828RMB主持

  8. 婴幼儿米粉的制造过程的物性解析及稀少糖类的制造新技术开发横向项目2018~2020年,100RMB主持

  9. 新型高濃度高力価汎用性乳主原の開発日本株式会社サンアロマ2020-2021350日元横向项目主持

  10. 熱反応による高天然感キャラメル風味油の製造技術開発,日本株式会社サンアロマ2020-2021300日元横向项目主持

  11. 熱反応によるミルクチョコレート風味油の開発,日本株式会社サンアロマ2020-2021200日元横向项目主持

  12. 吸附脱附过程的分子运动研究湖南华思仪器有限公司2022-20230.2RMB,横向项目,主持。


  1. Liu, Q., Liu, H-C, Gao, D-M.* (2022). Establishing a kinetic model of biomass-derived disaccharide hydrolysis over solid acid: A case study on hierarchically porous niobium phosphate. Chem. Eng. J. 430, 132756.

  2.   Gao, D-M.*,Shen, Y-B., Zhao, B., Liu, Q., Nakanishi, K., Chen, J., Kanamori, K., Wu, H., He, Z., Zeng, M., Liu, H.-C.(2019). Macroporous niobium phosphate-supported magnesia catalysts for isomerization of glucose-to-fructose. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 7 (9), 85128521.

  3. Gao, D.-M.*,ZhaoB.-H.,Liu, H.-C.,Morisato, K.,Kanamori, K., He, Z.-Y., Zeng,M.-M., Wu H.-P., Chen, J., * NakanishiK.* (2018)Synthesis of a hierarchically porous niobium phosphate monolith by a sol–gel method for fructose dehydration to 5-hydroxymethylfurfral. Catal. Sci. Technol.8, 3675−3685.

  4. Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2015). Production of rare sugars from common sugars insubcritical aqueous ethanol. Food Chem., 175, 465–470.

  5. Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2015). Kinetic effect of alcohols on hexose isomerization under subcritical aqueous conditions. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 104, 723–729. 

  6. Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2014). Kinetics of sucrose hydrolysis in a subcritical water-ethanol mixture. J. Appl. Glycosci., 61, 9–13.

7Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2015). Kinetic analysis for the isomerization of glucose, fructose, and mannose in subcritical aqueous ethanol. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79, 1–6..

8Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2015). Promotion or suppression of glucose isomerization in subcritical aqueous straight- and branched-chain alcohols. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79, 470–474..

9Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2015). Solubility of D-galactose, D-talose, and D-tagatose in aqueous ethanol at low temperature. Food Sci. Technol. Res., 21, 801–803. .

10.Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2016). Production of keto-disaccharides from aldo-disaccharides in subcritical aqueous ethanol. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 80, 998–1005..

11. Gao, D.-M., Kobayashi, T., and Adachi, S. (2016). Promoted isomerization of aldoses to ketoses in subcritical aqueous acetonitrile. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 95, 359363.

12. Soisangwan, N., Gao, D.-M., et.al. (2016). Kinetic analysis for the isomerization   

of cellobiose to cellobiulose in subcritical aqueous ethanol. Carbohydr. Res., 433,


  1. Soisangwan, N., Gao, D.-M., et.al.(2017). Production of lactulose from lactose

insubcritical aqueous ethanol. J. Food Proc. Eng.40(2), e12413..

  1. Jiao, Y., Yan, Y., He, Z-Y., Gao, D.-M., et.al. (2018). Inhibitory effects of

catechins on β-carbolines in tea leaves and chemical model systems. Food Funct., 9, 31263133.

  1. Xue, C., He, Z., Gao, D., Qin, F., Chen, J., Zeng, M. (2018). Research progress

on heterocyclic amines in processed meat products. J. Food Safety Quality, 9(14), 3590-3597.

  1. Yang, D-D., He, ZY., Gao, D.-M.,et.al. (2018). Effects of smoking or baking

procedures during sausage processing on the formation of heterocyclic amines measured using UPLC-MS/MS. Food Chem., 276, 195201.DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.09.160.

  1. Yin, Q., Mu, H., Zeng, M., Gao, D., Qin, F., Chen, J., & He, Z. (2019). Effects of

heating on the total phenolic content, antioxidant activities and main functional components of simulated Chinese herb candy during boiling process. J. Food Measurement and Characterization, 13(1), 476-486.

  1. Jiao,Y., Quan,W., He,Z.,Gao, D.-M., Qin,F., Zeng,M., Chen.J., (2019). Effects of

Catechins on Nε-(Carboxymethyl)lysine and Nε-(Carboxyethyl)lysine Formation in Green Tea and Model Systems. J. Agr. Food Chem., 67 (4), 12541260.

  1. Jiao, Y., He, J., He, Z.,Gao, D.-M., Qin, F., Xie, M., Zeng, M., Chen, J. (2019).

Formation of Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine and Nε-(carboxyethyl) lysine during black tea processing. Food Res. Int., 121, 738745.

  1. Chen,W., Liang,G., Li,X., He,Z., Zen,M.,Gao, D.-M., Qin,F., Goff,H-D., Chen, J,.

(2019). Effects of soy proteins and hydrolysates on fat globule coalescence and meltdown properties of ice cream. Food Hydrocolloid., 94, 279286.

21. Quan, W., He,W., Lu,M., Yuan,B., Zeng,M.,Gao, D.-M., Qin,F., Chen,J.,  He.Z., (2019). Anthocyanin composition and storage degradation kinetics of anthocyanins-based natural food colourant from purplefleshed sweet potato. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 54 (8), 25292539.

22. Chen, W., Liang, G., Li, X., He, Z., Zeng, M., Gao, D., Chen, J. (2019). Impact of

soy proteins, hydrolysates and monoglycerides at the oil/water interface in emulsions on interfacial properties and emulsion stability. Colloid. Surface. B: Biointerfaces, 177, 550558.

  1. Niu, K., Liu, Z., Feng, Y., Gao, D., Wang, Z., Zhang, P., Fang, X. (2020). A novel

strategy for efficient disaccharides synthesis from glucose by β-glucosidase.Bioresour. Bioprocess. (2020) 7:45.