


刘文杰 教授


l    1998-2002年,扬州大学 学士

l    2002-2010年,扬州大学 博士



l  2011年至今,bv1946伟德官网



l  2022年bv1946伟德官网师德标兵

l  2018年、2019年bv1946伟德官网优秀教育工作者

l  2017年bv1946伟德官网 “我最喜爱的教师

l  2017年bv1946伟德官网挑战杯年度挑战导师;

l  2017年第十五届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国三等奖

l  2016创青春中航工业全国大学生创业大赛第十届挑战杯大学生创业计划竞赛全国银奖

l  2016创青春速度中国杯江苏省大学生创业大赛金奖

l  2016创青春速度中国杯江苏省大学生创业大赛优秀指导教师

l  2016年bv1946伟德官网优秀共产党员

l  2016年bv1946伟德官网青年教师教学技艺大赛二等奖

l  2015年江苏省科学技术奖一等奖,排名第六

l  2015 年江苏省双创博士

l  2013年第十三届挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国二等奖

l  2013年第十三届江苏省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖

l  2013年bv1946伟德官网优秀班主任



l  粘土功能化及新型碳复合材料,表面活性剂体系界表面化学


l  凹凸棒石/稻壳活性炭复合材料的制备及在饮用水净化中的应用(2011/07-2013/06),江苏省科技支撑计划项目(社会发展)

l  凹凸棒土/导电高分子复合纳米材料的制备及其对金属离子吸附性能的研究(2012/01-2016/11),江苏省环境材料与环境工程重点实验室

l  光敏性表面活性剂的自组装行为及与血红蛋白的相互作用(2013/07-2016/06),江苏省自然科学基金

l  凹凸棒石/稻壳活性炭重金属土壤修复材料关键技术研究(2015/05-2017/05),常州市科技支撑计划项目(社会发展)

l  石蜡油精制废土制黏土碳材料在重金属土壤修复中的应用(2018/07-2021/06),江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目



l  Wenjie Liu, Wei Zhang, Shixiang Zuo, Chao Yao , Xiazhang Li, MoS2-modified nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubesand their applications in supercapacitors, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2021, 32: 27184-27197.

l  Wenjie Liu, Kun Yuan, Kecheng Yin, Shixiang Zuo, Chao Yao, Clay-activated carbon adsorbent obtained by activation of spent bleaching earth and its application for removing Pb(II) ion, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 711-723.

l  Wenjie Liu, Kecheng Yin, Kun Yuan, Shixiang Zuo, Song Yang, Chao Yao, Ming Chen, In situ synthesis of Bi2MoO6@C@attapulgite photocatalyst for enhanced photocatalytic nitrogen fixation ability under simulated solar irradiation, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2020, 591, 124488.

l  Wenjie Liu, Kun Yuan, Qianxun Ru, Shixiang Zuo, Liang Wang, Song Yang, Jie Han, Chao Yao, Functionalized halloysite template-assisted polyaniline synthesis high-efficiency iron/nitrogendoped carbon nanotubes towards nonprecious ORR catalysts, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13, 4954–4965.

l  Wenjie Liu, Kecheng Yin, Fan He, Qianxun Ru, Shixiang Zuo, Chao Yao, A highly efficient reduced graphene oxide/SnO2/TiO2 composite as photoanode for photocathodic protection of 304 stainless steel, Materials Research Bulletin, 2019, 113, 6–13.

l  Wenjie Liu, Kun Yuan, Peipei Liu, Ming Chen, Construction of detachable core/shell Fe3O4@C supported noble metal catalysts and their catalytic performance, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2019, 580, 123729.

l  Wenjie Liu, Qianxun Ru, Shixiang Zuo, Song Yang, Jie Han, Chao Yao, Controllable synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes derived from halloysite-templated polyaniline towards nonprecious ORR catalysts, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 469, 269–275.

l  Wenjie Liu, Qiaofang Shi, Gang Zheng, Jun Zhou, Ming Chen, Electrocatalytic oxidation toward dopamine and acetaminophen based on AuNPs@TCnA/GN modified glassy carbon electrode, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1075, 81-90.

l  Wenjie Liu, Tao Du, Qianxun Ru, Shixiang Zuo, Yanhua Cai, Chao Yao, Preparation of graphene/WO3/TiO2 composite and its photocathodic protection performance for 304 stainless steel, Materials Research Bulletin, 2018, 102, 399-405.

l  Wenjie Liu, Tao Du, Qianxun Ru, Shixiang Zuo, Chao Yao, Facile synthesis and characterization of 2D kaolin/CoAl2O4: A novel inorganic pigment with high near-infrared reflectance for thermal insulation, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 153, 239-245.

l  Wenjie Liu, Cancan Wang, Liang Wang, Photocatalyzed Facile Synthesis of α-Chloro Aryl Ketones with Polyaniline-gC3N4-TiO2 Composite under Visible Light, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56, 6114-6123.

l  Wenjie Liu, Shishuang Wang, Qianhui Wu, Long Huan, Xiue Zhang, Chao Yao, Ming Chen*, Fabrication of ternary hierarchical nanofibers MnO2/PANI/CNT and theirs application in electrochemical supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 156, 178-185.

l  Wenjie Liu, Cancan Wang, Yibo Huang, Qun Chen, Liang Wang*, Mingyang He, Visible-light-mediated facile synthesis of disulfides using reusable TiO2/MoS2 nanocomposite photocatalyst, Synthetic Communications, 2016, 46(15): 1268-1274.

l  Wenjie Liu, Tong Yang, Jiao Xu, Qun Chen, Chao Yao*, Shixiang Zuo, Yong Kong, Chenyi Fu, Preparation and adsorption property of attapulgite/carbon nanocomposite, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2015, 34(2):437-444.

l  Wenjie Liu, Chao Yao*, Maohua Wang, Junling Ji, Lin Ying, Chenyi Fu, Kinetics and thermodynamics characteristics of cationic yellow X-GL adsorption on attapulgite/rice hull-based activated carbon nanocomposites, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2013, 32(3):655-662.

l  Wenjie Liu, Tong Yang, Chao Yao*, Shixiang Zuo, Yong Kong, Spectroscopic studies on the interaction between troxerutin and bovine hemoglobin, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2013, 42(6):1169-1182.




l  一种以稻壳为原料制备多孔导电炭的方法,ZL 201510003195.X

l  一种环氧丙烯酸酯紫外光固化涂料的制备方法,ZL 201510005621.3

l  一种杯芳烃改性凹凸棒石脲醛树脂复合胶粘剂及其制备方法,ZL 201310638896.1

l  一种掺氮的二氧化钛/石墨相氮化碳光催化材料的制备方法,ZL 201510424146.3

l  一种二氧化钛聚苯胺氮化碳z-型异质结光催化材料的制备方法,ZL 201610724988 .5

l  一种用于光生阴极保护的石墨烯/氧化铜/二氧化钛复合材料及其制备方法,ZL 201711467542.X

l  一种碳掺杂钼酸铋凹凸棒石复合材料的制备方法及其在光催化固氮中的应用,ZL 202010422375.2