


Email : wmhzj2000@163.com


   1992-1995年,天津大学应用化学硕士学位

   2002-2006年,上海交通大学材料科学博士学位



   1995-2002年,江苏工业学院化学化工学院

   2006-至今,bv1946伟德官网伟德国际1946源于英国



   中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步一等奖

   常州市政府2009年自然科学优秀论文二等奖



   The American ceramic society会员


  无机纳米结构材料的控制合成、反应机制及相关功能材料器件的性能研究

   氧化物纳米功能粉体材料的制备与掺杂改性研究



   溶胶-凝胶法制备新型纳米ZnO非线性功能材料及性能研究  江苏省科技厅,

江苏省自然科学基金 2009

  • 纳米晶氧化物半导体材料可控制备及在防雷功能器件中的工业应用


   高场强纳米ZnO电压敏功能材料的制备和产业化研究  


   新型稀土复合电容CaCu3Ti4O12功能材料的制备和应用研究   

常州市科技成果转化基金 2011

   石油系碳材料制备质子交换膜燃料电池双极板的研究  江苏省精细化工重点实验室开放基金 2010

   怀德学院化工与制药专业化工原理教学创新模式研究bv1946伟德官网教学研究基金 2012

   化学法制备单分散纳米氧化物粉体及在高能电压敏芯片的产业化应用


   溶液—凝胶法制备纳米CaCu3Ti4O12材料及相关陶瓷器件的产业化研究


   Surfactant-assisted synthesis of monodispersed ZnO nanorods at Low temperature,

Materials Letters. 2014.

   Synthesis of doped ZnO nanopowders in alcohol–water solvent for varistors applications,

Materials Letters. 2014.

   Synthesis of doped ZnO nanopowders through sucrose protection method and its use in varistors productions,Journal of Electronic Materials.2014.

   Effects of carbon coating on microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12,

Journal of Electronic Materials.2014.

   Oleic acid assisted synthesis of CaCu3Ti4O12 powders and ceramics by sol-gel process, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (JMSE). 2014

   Synthesis of ZnO@Co2O3-Bi2O3-MnO core-shell structured nanoparticles for varistors applications. Powder technology. 2014.

   Microstructure and dielectric properties of Nd doped CaCu3Ti4O12 synthesized by sol-gel method.. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 2014.

   Microstructure and dielectric properties of silica-coated CaCu3Ti4O12

Journal of Electronic Materials. 2014.

   Semi-wet route synthesis and characterization of CaCu3Ti4O12 powders.

Scientific Journal of Materials Science. 2013.

   Preparation and characterization of CaCu3Ti4O12 powders by non-hydrolytic sol-gel process.

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2014.

   Degradation characteristics of low voltage ZnO varistor manufactured by chemical coprecipitation processingJournal of Materials Processing Technology2008

   Synthesis and characterization of low- dimensional ZnO nanocrystals in an aqueous solution

Journal of alloys and compounds. 2013.

   Electrical properties and Ac degradation characteristics of low voltage ZnO varistors doped with Nd2O3,Ceramics International. 2010.

   Microstructure and electrical propertiesof ZnO-Pr6O11- Co3O4-MnCO3-Y2O3-based varistor,

Ceramics International. 2011.

   Effect of ZrO2 dopant on the Sintering Behavior and Performance of MCMB- derived carbon laminations, Journal of University of wuhan Technology_mater. 2011.

   Synthesis of CaCu3Ti4O12 powders and ceramics by sol- gel method using decanedioic acid and its dielectric properties,  Journal of Central South University of Technology.2012.

   Preparation and Dielectric Properties of Ca0.9Lao0.2/3Cu3Ti4O12 Ceramic Powders by Molten Salt Methods, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.2012

   Effects of Aluminum Doping on the Microstructure and Electrical Properties of ZnO- Pr6O11-Co3O4- MnCO3-Y2O3 Varistor Ceramics,

Journal  of  Wuhan  University of Technology-Mater. 2014.

   Sintering behavior of Zn-Pr-Co-Mn-O varistor ceramics, Ceramics International. 2011.


   ZL201110055176.3:一种高性能Pr系高压氧化锌压敏材料及制备方法

   ZL201110287164.3:一种高介电常数类钙钛矿型压敏材料CaCu3Ti4O12的制备方法