2013-2014Fraunhofer IWM,Germany,访问学者
2018-2019Georgia Institute of Technology,USA,访问学者
(1) 表面工程及摩擦学;
(2) 过程流体密封与测控技术;
(3) 新能源高效利用及降碳节能;
(1).Lin Liu*, Chao Yang, Jianzhong Zhou*, Hamid Garmestani, Davoud Dastan. Study on Wear Model and Adhesive Wear Mechanism of Brass under Boundary Lubrication [J]. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2021, 57
(2), 367-373(2).Jing Li, Peng Zhu, Yuanyuan Sheng, Lin Liu*, Yong Luo. Atomistic simulations of the lubricative mechanism of a nano-alkane lubricating film between two layers of Cu-Zn alloy[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2021, 30(08): 080205
(3).Youjun Ye, Le Qin, jingLi, Lin Liu*, LingkangWu. Atomistic simulations on adhesive contact of single crystal Cu andwear behavior of Cu–Zn alloy[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2021, 30(02): 026801
(4).Jing Li,Zhongxuan Cao,Lin Liu*, Xuedong Liu, Jian Peng. Effect of Microstructure on Hardness and Wear Properties of 45 Steel after Induction Hardening[J]. Steel Research International, 2021, 2000540: 1-9
(5).Youjun Ye, jingLi, XingxingLv,Lin Liu*. Study on Failure Mechanism and PhaseTransformation of 304 Stainless Steel duringErosion Wear[J]. Metals, 2020, 10(11): 1427
(6).Ming Liu, ChenYu Li, Lin Liu*, Youjun Ye, Davoud Dastan,Hamid Garmestani*. Inhibition of stress corrosion cracking in 304 stainless steel through titanium ion implantation[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 36(03): 284-292
(7).王烨,盛圆圆, 柳铭,刘麟*, 宋瑞宏,陈杰. 功率密度对Cr12MoV激光熔覆层组织及耐磨性的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2020, 30(02): 355-363
(8).Lin Liu*, Yuanyuan Sheng,Ming Liu, Martin Dienwiebel, Zhichen Zhang, Davoud Dastand. Formation of the third bodies of steel sliding against brass under lubricated conditions[J]. Tribology International, 2019, 140:1-7.
(9).Lin Liu*, Rui Chi. Effect of microstructure on high cycle fatigue behavior of brass processed by laser shock peening [J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, 740-741:342-352.
(10).刘麟*,吕星星, 陈程,刘雪东,郭文元, 巢建伟. 卧式螺旋沉降离心机粉煤灰气化灰水的脱水分析与优化[J]. bv1946伟德官网学报(自然科学版), 2019, 31(06): 52-59
(11).Ming Liu, Le Qin, Lin Liu*, Haoping Peng, Xuedong Liu, and Jianwei Chao. Physical Characteristics of Friction Processes in a Columnar Approach-Separation Model with Tangential Force[J]. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2019, 55(06):1085-1090.
(12).刘麟*,盛圆圆, 詹普杰,迟蕊,周建忠*. 激光喷丸强化铜锌合金及其疲劳行为[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2019, 29(02): 295-302
(13).Lin Liu*,Jiaojiao Wang, JianzhongZhou*. Characterization and analysis on micro-hardness and microstructureevolution of brass subjected to laser shock peening[J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 115:325-330.
(14).Lin Liu*, Rui Chi, Jiaojiao Wang. Effect of microstructure evolution on high cycle fatigue behavior of brass [J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018, 732:326-332.
(15).Lin Liu*,Chao Yang, Yuanyuan Sheng. Wear model based on real-time surface roughness and its effect on lubrication regimes [J]. Tribology International, 2018, 126:16-20.
(16).Lin Liu*, Jiaojiao Wang, Jianzhong Zhou. Effects of laser shock peening on mechanical behaviors and microstructural evolution of brass [J]. Vacuum. 2018, 148:178-183.
(17).Lin Liu*, Zhichen Zhang, Martin dienwiebel. The Running-in Tribological Behavior of Pb-Free Brass and Its Effect on Microstructural Evolution [J]. Tribology Letters. 2017, 160(65): 1-9
(18).刘麟*杨超Martin dienwiebel. 润滑条件下铜锌合金表面粗糙度对磨损率的影响[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2017, 37(05): 625-630
(19).刘麟*詹普杰刘文明等. 基于原位和RNT技术的铜锌合金摩擦磨损性能[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2016, 36(05): 577-584
(20).刘麟*张志臣詹普杰等. 基于原位和RNT技术的摩擦试验机及其实验研究[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2016, 37(12): 2873-2879
(21).刘麟张锁龙. 国内蒸纱机装备制造行业现状[J] 上海纺织科技,2012,08-18
(22).刘麟顾伯勤孙振国等,密封垫片高温综合性能试验机的研制[J], 润滑与密封,2011, 36(10): 84-86
(23).刘麟顾伯勤.螺栓法兰连接中非线性垫片径向应力的解析计算方法[J], 核动力工程,2010, 31(04): 106-109
(24).刘麟顾伯勤.基于非线性垫片径向应力分布的螺栓法兰连接泄漏率预测方法, 润滑与密封[J],2010, 35(07): 9-13
(25).刘麟顾伯勤.高温球阀喷涂Al2O3-TiO2和WC-Co涂层的耐磨粒磨损性能, 南京工业大学学报[J],2009, 31(05): 5-8
(26).刘麟顾伯勤陈晔朱柳娟.重整催化剂再生系统球阀失效分析[J], 金属热处理,2008, 33(02): 104-1064.4